Distributed Denial of Service: Finally Getting the Attention It Deserves
Why DDoS, Why Now?
As more and more businesses are moving their operations online, the Internet has become a very attractive place to conduct criminal and miscreant activities, and the tool of choice is increasingly Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. In the last few years, DDoS attacks have significantly increased in size and frequency and are wreaking havoc on businesses of all sizes and industries.
FreeYourID commissioned Merrill Research to investigate just how concerned IT decision makers are with the threat of DDoS attacks and what if anything they are doing to prepare for the increased threats in today's ever evolving cyber landscape.
Research Highlights:
- DDoS attacks are widespread: Nearly two-thirds (63%) of respondents sustained at least one attack in the past year. Eleven percent of surveyed businesses were hit six or more times.
- More sites will soon be protected: Of the respondents who currently lack DDoS protection, 71% plan to implement a solution in the next 12 months - 40% plan to outsource their DDoS protection, 31% plan to implement an in-house solution and 29% are still undecided on their approach for protection.
- Leaving web infrastructures unprotected is too risky: More than half (53%) of the respondents said they experienced downtime in the past year, with DDoS attacks accounting for one-third (33%) of all downtime incidents.
- Downtime impacts customers and revenue: More than two-thirds (67%) said their downtime impacted customers and half (51%) reported they lost revenue. Considering 60% of the respondents rely on their websites for at least 25% of their annual revenue, downtime can have significant and lasting impacts.
- Threats extend beyond DDoS attacks: The study also found that nine in 10 respondents rate "access to threat and vulnerability data" as very important and nearly three-fourths (73%) are "concerned with DNS failures" - suggesting a significant need for ongoing threat intelligence and managed DNS services, in addition to DDoS protection and mitigation.
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