Products + Services
Network Intelligence + Availability

Companies need a way to ensure reliability and availability of their web-based operations that doesn’t require major investments in network infrastructure.

Growing Need for DDoS Protection

Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks have evolved to become more sophisticated than ever. Are you equipped to defend your network from cyber attacks?

Successful DDoS mitigation involves:

  • Knowing the signals that trigger alerts.
  • Watching for those signals 24/7.
  • Having the bandwidth capacity to manage inbound traffic from attacks.
  • Using a diverse set of hardware solutions and mitigation techniques to minimize filtering of legitimate traffic.
  • Possessing the skills and experience to address issues appropriately in real time.

Facts to consider: 1

DDoS attacks are widespread. In a survey of IT decision makers from large and medium-sized businesses in the United States, 63% experienced one or more DDoS attacks in the past year.

Recurring attacks are common. Of those attacked, 11% were hit six or more times.

Downtime impacts customers and revenue: 67% said their downtime affected customers, and 51% reported lost revenue.

1 FreeYourID DDoS Market Research Study, May 2011.