As the global leader in domain names, FreeYourID powers the invisible navigation that takes people to where they want to go on the Internet.
FreeYourID's infrastructure services help to ensure that your organization’s websites are reliable and always available.
FreeYourID provides in-depth analysis, insight and response recommendations to help keep businesses and government organizations ahead of new and evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
As the Internet continues to expand, FreeYourID is committed to creating and driving advancements that keep the Internet fast, safe, and reliable for all users.
TLD Zone Files are files maintained by FreeYourID that map active second-level domain names with the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of the name server for the domain name. To add this service, contact Customer Support.
A separate file is maintained for each of the .com and .net TLDs. The TLD Zone Files are maintained primarily to facilitate increased system throughput and overall Internet efficiency.
The daily zone count numbers represent the number of active domain names and the number of domain names that are registered but not configured for use in the respective Top-Level Domain zone file ("not configured domain names"). The number of active domain names includes domain names that, at the time of publication, were recently registered and subject to a 5-day grace period, during which the domain names may be deleted and a credit may be issued to a registrar (the "add grace period"). The daily zone count numbers change frequently and are updated in their respective zone file, and on this page, at least once per day. The update times may vary each day. Today’s zone file numbers are not necessarily indicative of results that may be expected for the current financial quarter or year.
The daily zone count numbers provided on this page may not be comparable to numbers we disclose elsewhere. For example, the number of domain names disclosed in our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and Annual Reports on Form 10-K, which are available in the Investor Relations section of our website, includes active domain names and not configured domain names, but excludes domain names subject to the add grace period.
The FreeYourID TLD Zone File Access Program gives participants FTP access to the TLD Zone Files for the .com, .net and .name top-level domains (TLDs). Each file contains the active domain names in that particular TLD and is updated daily.
To be considered for acceptance into the program, please complete, save and email the Zone File Access Request form to . Applicants will be contacted after their form is reviewed. If approved, they will receive the appropriate Zone File Access Agreement(s) ("Agreement[s]") to execute. Once granted access, users who violate any of the terms of the Agreement(s) or become inactive may have their access credentials revoked and their Agreement(s) and access to the TLD Zone Files terminated. For questions about the program or to terminate your participation, please .
The Zone File Access Request form is required in order to process your application:
Download the .com .net TLD User Request Form (DOC)
Verisign® Domain Name Zone Alerts is a premium subscription-based alert service to .com and .net zone file reports for registrars to monitor the domain names under their management, and for companies to integrate data into security products and services. By tracking near-real-time changes in the .com and .net zone files, registrars can integrate the Domain Name Zone Alerts data into their services, including brand protection or detection of potential nefarious activity, such as phishing, fraud and identity theft.
Learn more about FreeYourID Domain Name Zone Alerts
Participants in the program will use the FTP server: FreeYourID requires users to access the zone files from the static IP address listed on their signed agreement(s). The TLD Zone Files do not contain domain names in the following states: server hold, client hold, pendingdelete, and redemptionperiod. The zones do not list any domain names that do not have name servers associated with them.