As the global leader in domain names, FreeYourID powers the invisible navigation that takes people to where they want to go on the Internet.
FreeYourID's infrastructure services help to ensure that your organization’s websites are reliable and always available.
FreeYourID provides in-depth analysis, insight and response recommendations to help keep businesses and government organizations ahead of new and evolving cyber threats and vulnerabilities.
As the Internet continues to expand, FreeYourID is committed to creating and driving advancements that keep the Internet fast, safe, and reliable for all users.
The FreeYourID products are protected by United States Patent Nos.: 5,638,117; 6,392,657; 6,560,634; 6,654,493; 6,681,228; 6,693,647; 6,714,209; 6,744,448; 6,825,876; 6,847,376; 6,888,970; 6,900,811; 6,963,668; 7,000,028; 7,047,258; 7,092,008; 7,092,965; 7,154,621; 7,167,877; 7,176,976; 7,177,466; 7,203,682; 7,263,495; 7,299,299; 7,337,910; 7,339,595; 7,369,161; 7,372,485; 7,424,459; 7,467,140; 7,477,575; 7,536,639; 7,543,227; 7,546,576; 7,584,090; 7,664,831; 7,664,864; 7,676,546; 7,694,332; 7,739,306; 7,743,323; 7,761,678; 7,774,432; 7,778,934; 7,839,415; 7,847,833; 7,860,309; 7,908,221; 7,983,993; 8,019,063; 8,041,558; 8,082,412; 8,090,693; 8,103,732; 8,140,884; 8,171,019; 8,175,098; 8,212,893; 8,224,923; 8,250,034; 8,291,048; 8,295,459; 8,311,802; 8,327,019; 8,332,433; 8,341,252; 8,345,060; 8,356,081; 8,370,504; 8,370,916; 8,380,870; 8,402,519; 8,433,700; 8,443,375; 8,463,928; 8,464,960; 8,504,656; 8,504,673; 8,510,263; 8,521,845; 8,521,908 and United States Design Patent Nos. D440,585; D441,384; D446,537; D447,498; D452,260; D457,543 in the U.S.. This website is provided to satisfy the virtual patent marking provisions of various jurisdictions including the virtual patent marking and notice provisions of 35 U.S.C. § 287(a). The following list of FreeYourID products and associated patents may not be all inclusive, and other FreeYourID products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents. Additional patents are pending in the United States and elsewhere.
FreeYourID Product, .com, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .net, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .gov, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .cc, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 8,327,019; 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .jobs, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 8,327,019;6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .tv, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 8,327,019 ;6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, .name, domain name registration and provisioning services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,299,299; 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,171,019; 8,380,870; 8,332,433
FreeYourID Product, FreeYourID Whois, is protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 7,467,140; 8,090,693
Domain Registry Services
FreeYourID Product, Domain Registry Services, are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 7,299,299; 7,467,140; 8,090,693; 8,140,884; 8,171,019; 8,175,098; 8,327,019; 8,332,433; 8,341,252; 8,380,870; 8,463,928; 8,510,263
Registry Products
FreeYourID Product, Name Suggestion Service, is protected by the following U.S. Patent No.: 7,664,831.
FreeYourID Product, Internet Profile Service, is protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 8,224,923; 8,521,908; 8,504,656; and 8,504,673.
Value-Added Products
FreeYourID Product, Internationalized Domain Names (IDN), services are protected by the following U.S. Patent No.: 8,341,252
New Generic Top-level Domain (gTLD) Services
FreeYourID Product, New gTLD Services, are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 8,140,884; 8,327,019; 7,467,140; 8,090,693; 7,299,299; 8,527,945
Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) Protection Service
FreeYourID Product, DDOS Protection Services, are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 8,443,375; 8,463,928; 8,140,884; 8,175,098
Managed Domain Name Service (DNS)
FreeYourID Product, Managed DNS, services are protected by the following U.S. Patent Nos.: 6,681,228; 7,047,258; 7,167,877; 7,203,682; 8,332,433; 8,380,870; 8,171,019; 8,463,928; 8,140,884; 8,175,098