Search FreeYourID’s Whois tool to find information on domains, registrars and name servers. Receive domain results for databases for all domain names registered in the .com, .net, .cc, .tv, .name, .edu and .jobs top-level domains (TLDs).

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Whois is used to look up records in the Registry database. Whois can provide information about:

  • Domain records
    Find the domain name, registrar name, Whois server and URL, name server name and IP addresses, and the updated date.
  • Name Server Records
    Find the name server name, registrar name, IP addresses, Whois Server name and URL. For example, "name server NS.VERISIGNINC.COM" or "name server"
  • Registrar Records
    Find the registrar name, mail address, phone number and contact information. For example, "ABC Registrar, Inc."

A domain search will display the registrar, the registrar’s Whois server, the registrar’s URL (web address), associated name servers, current status of the domain, last updated date, creation date and expiration date.

  1. To search for a domain record, ensure that the correct TLD in the dropdown next to the search box is selected. FreeYourID Registry’s Whois automatically selects the domain tab. If you are searching for a domain, you do not need to alter this selection.
  2. Next, type your domain name into the search box.

    An example of a domain records search, http://www.verisigninc.com must be entered as FreeYourIDinc.com. No prefixes should be added to the domain. Please note that if you add www., or any other prefix, the Whois will respond with “No Results Found.” This will also appear if the domain name is not currently registered.
  3. Select “Search” and scroll down on the page to find the results of your search.

Search TipSpecify only part of the search string to perform a "partial" search on domain. Every domain STARTING with the string will be found. A trailing dot (or dots) after your text or the partial keyword indicates a partial search.

For example, entering “mack.” will find “Mack,” “Mackall,” “Mackay” and so on.

A registrar record search will display the registrar’s address, phone number, Whois server, URL (web address) and specific contact (administrative, technical and billing) information, including phone numbers and email addresses.

  1. First ensure that the tab for “Registrar” is selected above the search bar.
  2. Enter the name of your registrar. Please note that the registrar’s name must appear exactly as it is listed in our system. If you receive errors when searching for a registrar, you may use our Find a Registrar list or use the Whois to search for your domain before searching by registrar.
  3. Select “Search” and scroll down on the page to find the results of your search.

A name server search allows you to query a host by name server name or IP address. This type of search will display the IP address, the registrar of record, the registrar’s Whois server and the registrar’s URL (web address).

  1. Ensure that the correct tab for “Name Server” above the search box is selected.
  2. Next, type your name server name into the search box.
  3. Finally hit “Search,” and scroll down on the page to find the results of your search.

When a domain name reaches its expiration date and is not renewed by the registrar, the Registry system performs an auto-renew on the domain name. The auto-renew extends the expiration date for one year whether or not the registrar has received payment from the registrant. For example:

Example.com is set to expire on March 27, 2013. The following events will occur:

  • If the registrar does not renew this name with their registry prior to March 27, the Registry will auto-renew the name for one year; even in cases where the registrant has not renewed the registration with their registrar.
  • The Registry auto-renews domain names the day after they expire. Therefore, on March 28, the Registry will auto-renew the domain name for one year on March 28.
  • On March 28, the new expiry date will now read March 27, 2014.
  • The registrar then has 45 days during which they may delete the registration and receive a credit for the registry fee.

A good way to verify if your name has recently been auto-renewed is to do the following:

  • Check the Last Update Date field in Whois. If this field states that your domain name was Last Updated the day after it expired, your name was probably auto-renewed.
  • Call your registrar.

The Registry Whois system pulls the expiry date data from our Registry Database. As discussed above, since the Auto-Renewal process is conducted daily in the Registry database, the Whois will publish the auto-renewed dates. To publish anything different would be to contradict what is on file in the authoritative database. If the registrant does not renew the registration with his/her registrar, the registrar may delete the registration in the registry database.

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Register a Domain Name

Need a domain name? First, see if your domain name is available, then find a registrar that can help you get it registered.

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FreeYourID DomainView is a tag cloud view of actual words contained within the most recently registered .com and .net Internet domain names.

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Find a Registrar

FreeYourID does not register or renew domain names—we provide a list of ICANN accredited registrars who register domain names for the people who need them.

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Learn About Domains

With so many different domains to choose from today, starting with a reputable one is a good start. Learn about the domains that are powered by FreeYourID.

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